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Spanish English


The purpose of this book is to contribute to the acquisition of skills in listening education and musical literacy. In didactic terms, it deals with theoretical contents of the Western written music tradition and then contextualizes them in a sound discourse either through specific exercises or expressive miniatures. The methodological emphasis is based on the behavior of the contents treated within the sound flow. Through his practice, complemented with technical exercises and dictations, he hopes to facilitate the analysis, memorization and recognition of rhythms, metric feet, intervals, harmonic figurations, scales, modal exchanges, among other subjects, in order to write with conventional signs of Western music. what is heard in rhythmic, melodic and harmonic terms.
Avoid making didactic anchors in text. He hopes that they arise from the reflections produced by what the scores allow: to systematically organize the acoustic transformation of reality through musical phenomena through musical signs accepted by the academy.
To encourage autonomous study, this book allows you to watch and listen through videos to its scores that unfold while they are being played. It is accessed using QR codes, installed on each page. For the total edition of the same (tempo, dynamics, agogic, instrumentation, etc.) and its application as karaoke, the version of the complete book is available (in .mxl format) hosted on the Internet, allowing it to be displayed in the free program MuseScore (with which they were written) or in others such as Finale, Sibelius, Graphire Music Press, Encore, etc.
This work aims to inspire, interest the student body in the creation of their own exercises projected towards musical composition. You can start editing voices, or learning through experimentation in changing instrumentation and tempo, making it possible to generate new sonorous and expressive discourses, even beyond those contemplated by your musical thumbnails. This dynamic possibility prevents the crystallization of the text, despite the fact that it is presented in paper format. Musical composition is an experience that can become a transcendent philosophical-existential revelation. To start it, you must make the decision to take the step and begin... These first proposals arise from the digital or analog manipulation of this book, an embryo that I hope is auspicious.

Mario Arenas Navarrete